Wednesday, April 16, 2008

So I'm sick...

But Family Force 5 is in two days! I'm so excited! If I can get through this week and next Monday, I will be a happy man.

Homework sucks.

I'm thinking about making an arty video of some sort. However, that would require a camera, so it'll probably have to wait till summer. Oh well.

Oh, and I just realized that my creepy song list is missing a very important addition: Tear You Apart by She Wants Revenge. It seriously should be number two. Listen to it at your own risk. (They make really freaky music videos, too)

I finally got a haircut. Hooray for me. It actually feels really good and is one of the few haircuts I've been immediately satisfied with.

So yeah, there's my life right now. Send me food and I'll give you a giant hug when I see you next! Yeah for incentive! Now I'm off to study...


K. H. said...

no picture of the satisfying haircut?

you should put one up cuz i'm curious what your face looks like. kidding! i've seen your face. its nothing special. kidding! it's very special. "speeeeccciiiaaal". Kidding! i'm kidding. kidding. kid! kid!

Sir Brian The Manly said...

Andrew, I can't decide whether I want to join Showbread or The Chariot. =\

FFF tomorrow! Maybe I'll wear something besides my work clothes this time. =P