Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Guess What!

I know that nobody at Whitworth looks at my blad, as it is only like a week old, but I feel that I should put it out there that I'm running for McMillan Senator! Hooray! Vote for me!


Sir Brian The Manly said...

You could probably be running for Designated Brian Smacker and I'd still vote for you. =D

Andrew said...

Sweet. That's true friendship right there.

K. H. said...

you guys are BFF4L (best friends forever for life)

Sir Brian The Manly said...

It's all part of my plan to backstab Andrew and rise to power. Then I will be McMillan Senator! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!

Andrew said...

Bummer for you. I lost. XD Now you have to kill a total stranger!