Sunday, October 17, 2010

More poetry

I like this one.

Awake at 2:00 A.M.

Pt. 1

A sliver
of light on the floor
is keeping me awake.

Examine more closely to find
it's two or three smaller
beams crisscrossed, much
like the lines
on my cheek
in the morning.

There's an invisible
silver knife
cascading primary colours

a slice
of moon on my floor.

Pt. 2

The couple above me is making
noise and perhaps a baby.

Twenty feet from my head,
a symphony of cars crescendos
and quickly fades
like ocean waves.

Two sentences wander
aimlessly around the ceiling,
end face-to-face on the same
period, and have
nowhere to go.

Pt. 3

It happens late at night.
When the clouds hold desperately
to silver light, when your fingers
swell and tingle as you rub them together
and you shiver as your car slowly heats up,
when you yawn and tears creep
up around your eyes, when only
sad music sounds right,
it sinks in.

1 comment:

Sir Brian The Manly said...

Eww, you need new people above you. Other than that I liked it. ^_^